treatments we offer

A multi-disciplinary team of clinicians to provide comprehensive dental treatments

At Chess House Dental Practice, we offer all types of dental treatments ranging from general dentistry to more specialised services to suit your clinical needs in our state-of-the-art facility.


general dentistry

Here at Chess House Dental Practice, our goal was to create a safe environment for our patients and provide all round dental care. Our team of 9 dentists, are highly skilled in providing you with the best treatment in all aspects of general dentistry.


Here at Chess House Dental Practice, we want to ensure that each of your visit is a comfortable and pleasant experience. At your check-up visit, your dentist will thoroughly examine your gums, teeth and mouth. Any treatment that you may require, will be discussed in detail with all options available and a custom treatment plan will be made to tailor to your specific needs.

After your check-up, your dentist will recommend a date for your next visit. The time to your next check-up could be as short as three months or as long as two years.



Being a patient at Chess House Dental Surgery, we want to ensure all our patients are well looked after. We aim to provide you with an emergency appointment within 24 hours. If the dentist is fully booked, our reception will advise you to sit and wait, and you will be seen in between patients.



The best way to treat gum disease is to practise good oral hygiene, although additional dental treatments are sometimes necessary e.g. scaling and polishing and root planning.Your dentist may recommend you to see the hygienist regularly to maintain good gum health. Sometimes, in severe cases, you may require to be referred to a periodontist for further treatment.


04. CROWNs

A dental crown (or ‘cap’) is a tooth-shaped covering that fits over a badly decayed or broken down tooth or dental implant. It can improve both the strength and appearance of a tooth. A dental crown is the ideal dental restoration for broken, cracked or severely worn down teeth. Also, teeth which are weakened by decay or large fillings. It can restore the shape and function to teeth that are too severely damaged for cosmetic fillings to be suitable.


05. veneers

Veneers offer a simple way of enhancing your smile by concealing the colour, shape or position of the natural teeth.

Dental veneers are a wafer thin, porcelain cosmetic tooth covering that is fitted onto the front surface of the teeth. They are used to disguise flaws such as chipped, broken, gappy or crooked teeth to improve the shape, shade and appearance.

Veneers are individually made and bonded onto the front of your tooth. At Chess House Dental Practice, we use minimally invasive techniques to preserve maximum of your natural tooth structure. A digital mock up of your new smile is created and sent to the lab technician to help create the desired smile based on your expectations.



Dental inlays and onlays are used when old fillings need to be removed or replaced. A dental inlay is similar to a filling and fits inside the cusp tips (top edges) of the tooth. A dental onlay is more extensive and extends over the cusps of the treated tooth.


  • Metal;
  • Composite (Resin);
  • Ceramic;

07. fillings

When tooth decay or other damage causes a cavity or crack in a tooth, a filling is usually the recommended treatment. Your dentist will offer you the type of filling most appropriate for your tooth

Types of fillings available:

  • Amalgam (silver-coloured):
    A mixture of metals including mercury, silver, tin, and copper.
  • Composite (tooth-coloured):
    Composite resins, or tooth-coloured fillings, provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small- to mid-size fillings that need to withstand moderate pressure from the constant stress of chewing. They can be used on either front or back teeth. They are a good choice for people who prefer that their fillings look more natural.
  • Glass Ionomer (tooth-coloured):
    Powdered glass, which reacts chemically with your tooth and bonds to it, but it is weak so is only used on baby (first) teeth or around the sides of teeth or as interim fillings.

08. extractions

Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth which have become non-restorable through tooth decay, periodontal disease or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with toothache. Sometimes wisdom teeth are impacted  and may cause recurrent infections of the gum (pericoronitis) and may require to be removed by referring to a specialist. In orthodontics if the teeth are crowded, sound teeth may be extracted (often bicuspids) to create space so the rest of the teeth can be straightened.


09. dentures

Dentures are removable false teeth made of various materials. They fit snugly over the gums to replace missing teeth and eliminate potential problems caused by gaps.

Types of Dentures:

  • Acrylic
  • Cobalt Chrome
  • Cosmetic Semi-Flexible Denture

10. bridges

A bridge is a fixed dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth (or several teeth) by joining an artificial tooth permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants.


11. teeth whitening

Teeth can become discoloured over time either as part of the natural ageing process or as a result of staining from extrinsic factors, like tea, coffee, red wine and smoking. Teeth Whitening is an excellent way of revitalising the natural look of teeth without the need to remove healthy enamel. A whiter smile can make you look and feel years younger and give a huge boost to your confidence.



If you grind your teeth while you're asleep, it may help to wear a mouth guard or mouth splint at night. We also fabricate sports guards for children to protect their teeth from trauma during contact sports like rugby. Ask your dentist for more details.



cosmetic orthodontics

Unhappy with the position of your teeth? Gone are the days when dentists were required to shave down a large part of your teeth to make space for veneers/crowns to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

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With the advent of latest technology, most patients can benefit from aligning their teeth in the desired position, followed by whitening, sometimes requiring some reshaping or edge bonding (where a tooth coloured filling material is placed on the edges of your teeth) to get you that perfect smile!

Chess House Dental Practice is one of the leading providers of Invisalign. Our Principal Dentist, Shivika Shah, is an Invisalign Platinum Provider, and has experience of treating over 100 patients, into achieving the smile of their dreams.

Invisalign Treatment cost ranges from £2500 - £4500.


specialist root canal treatments

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price list

01. root canal treatments

Root canal treatment is a treatment sequence for the infected pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. The procedure is often complicated, depending on circumstances, and can either be complete in a single visit or may involve multiple visits over a period of weeks. In some cases may even require referral to our root canal specialist, Dr. Kewal Shah. Molars and premolars that have had root canal therapy should be protected with a crown that covers the cusps of the tooth.


02. re-root canal treatments

With proper care, you’ll keep teeth that have had root canal treatment for a lifetime but it’s possible for those teeth to heal improperly, becoming painful or diseased months or even years after treatment. If this happens to your treated teeth you have a second chance to save the tooth with re-treatment. An additional procedure may be able to diminish dental pain or discomfort and promote healing.

Re-Root Canal Treatments can be complex and may require referral to a endodontist, to give the tooth its best chance of survival. At Chess House Dental Practice, we have a visiting dentist with a special interest in Endodontics, Dr. Kewal Shah; and our senior dentist, Dr. Manesh Patel who is currently pursuing a McClindent in Endodontics; who usually carries out these procedures.



dental implants

A dental implant is the best/most-advanced option for the long-term replacement of one or more missing teeth and is superior to treatments such as regular dentures and bridges which are less comfortable, convenient and cost-effective.

why we recommend dental implants

about dental implants

The process itself is relatively painless and involves placing a tiny titanium screw in the jaw bone where the natural tooth came out. This then fuses with the bone to act as the missing tooth root. A crown or dental bridge can then be fitted, restoring both the teeth and gums.

The procedure is the optimal choice for replacing missing teeth, whatever your age; and can be combined with a crown or dental bridge or used to hold loose dentures in place (known as implant-retained dentures).

Implants start from £2280 per tooth


smile makeover using digital smile design

At Chess House Dental Practice, we create beautiful smiles using a software to design and modify the smile of patients digitally; and help them to visualise it by creating and presenting a digital mockup of their new smile design before the treatment physically starts.

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about smile makeovers

A combination of approaches can be done to enhance your smile, such as the Align, Bleach, Bond Concept:

  • Step 1: Align
    Alignment of the teeth is carried out without the need for traditional braces, using Invisalign (see: Invisalign)
  • Step 2: Bleach
    Bleaching (Teeth Whitening) is carried out, brightening and enhancing the smile before bonding.
  • Step 3: Bond
    Once the teeth are straightened and white, the last  step is to sculpt the teeth to ideal teeth shapes and proportions with composite bonding to give amazing results and enhancements.

Alternatively, we can transform your smile using minimally-prepped or no-prep porcelain veneers/laminate. (See Porcelain Veneers).

During your consultation, you will be able to share your smile concerns and we can discuss the various options available to you. The dentist will take high resolution pictures using the DSLR to then create a digital mock up of your desired smile. Your smile makeover package will be built around your own unique needs to give you the smile you’ve always dreamt of.

book a smile makeover consultation for £75 to discuss which approach is best suited for your dental needs.

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